Le Relais des îles
Restaurant in the town of Vouharte.
Additional services
- Bar
- Terrace
- Car park
- Shady terrace
- Pets welcome
- Restaurant
- Caterer
Further information
Restaurant category
- Traditional cooking
- Bistro restaurant
Number of rooms
3 halls
Number of air-conditioned rooms
3 halls
Number of guests
75 seats
Number of seats on the terrace
30 seats
Rooms description
Salle bistro : 15 personnes.
Salle restaurant : 25 personnes.
Salle à l’étage : 35 personnes.
Clientele and group
Maximum group size
40 people
Spoken languages
- English
- French
Pets welcome
Accepted animals
Animals accepted with supplement
Without supplements
Animal reception conditions
Tenus en laisse.
Business tourism, room rental
Rooms equipped for
- Seminar/meeting
- Table
- Restaurant on site
Every day throughout the year
Opening hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday between 9 am and 3 pm. On Friday and Saturday between 7.30 pm and 9 pm. On Sunday between 9 am and 3 pm.
Closed on Monday.
A la carte: 38 €
Child menu: 10 €
Dish of the day: 16 €
Menu of the day: 20 €.
Bank/credit card, Check, Cash, Titres restaurant (vouchers)