
The Japanese-Peruvian cuisine honored at KOYA by its chef Carlos Foito. Discover a gustatory journey!

With his experience in Swiss palaces and in the restaurant “Izumi” – four Seasons Geneva; he will make you discover his dishes typical of Asia and perfumed in Peru. The best of what La Rochelle has to offer in fish and shellfish prepared in ceviche, carpaccio, tiradito and marinades mixing spices, Peruvian peppers, citrus fruits.
Raw, cooked, unique flavors: KOYA is a gustatory journey in a cosy setting

Additional services


  • Pets welcome
  • Wi-fi
  • Booking of general amenities
  • Restaurant
  • Buffet meal

Further information

Restaurant category

  • Foreign specialities
  • Gastronomic restaurant

Number of rooms

1 hall

Number of guests

40 seats

Number of seats on the terrace

20 seats


Spoken languages

  • English
  • French

Pets welcome

Accepted animals


Business tourism, room rental

Rooms equipped for

  • Family Reception/drinks reception


  • Restaurant on site
  • Cold room


From 01/01 to 31/12/2024
daily between 12 pm and 2.30 pm and between 7 pm and 10.30 pm.


Check, Titres restaurant (vouchers), Bank/credit card, Cash, Travellers Cheque, Contactless payment

Booking information

Web site : https://www.google.com/maps/reserve/v/dine/c/GIlvLtqpD38?source=pa&hl=fr-FR&gei=jdzTY__gFp2nkdUP4MOPkAc&sourceurl=https://www.google.com/search?q%3Dle%2Bkoya%2Bla%2Brochelle%26rlz%3D1C1GCEU_frFR983FR983%26oq%3Dle%2Bkoya%2Bl%26aqs%3Dchrome.0.0i355i512j46i175i199i512j69i57j69i64l3j69i60%26pf%3Dcs%26sourceid%3Dchrome%26ie%3DUTF-8

10 Rue Chef de ville
17000 La Rochelle

Phone : 05 86 58 00 16
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